part of the routine

it’s all part of the daily;
wake up,
be alive –
go for a walk and
see a dog, maybe
a baby –
someone yells somethin’ and you
walk right on by –
nobody on the street ever said
anything worth worrying about,
now did they?
it’s all part of the routine,
part of careful planning –
few hours for work,
few for eating,
and remember to be alive.

in the quarries

in the quarries they
hack and mine and
blast to bits
what makes us us –
in the quarries we
find everything we need
find everything we want
and, having it –
find no recourse but to sell it all –
in the quarries we
dig until there’s
nothing left;
happy, sad, or simply confused
with all our money
and all our empty.


is it the hand that punishes
or the heart that forgives?
the farmer
laboring for seventy years –
for his family,
a good family –
the mother who
carried and birthed and
reared and loved –
or the Marine who
guns them down?
is it available only
in English?
is it the movement of weight?
are there no strong men
in a world with gorilla and oxen?
are there no strong men
in a world without weakness?
is there no strength at all?


they found god upstate
face-down in a river,
they gathered up
what was floating
and seeded it in a lab;
ate what flesh they grew –
guess what it’s dreaming about;
you can’t know a dreamer
if you don’t know the dream.

expectation and acceptance

it can’t all be countdown –
it can’t all be practice,
can it?
where does the performance
in the slight pauses
of sight-read notes –
first try,
second wind,
or only in culmination –
only in completion?
how exhausting a process that
ends in an instant –
limping through the
curious present;
devoured by the
starving past.

search for reason

you take all the pieces you can
and find a many along the way.
Some resolve into
slight continuations in
warp and weft;
small shadows
on bright waters –
some pieces are meaningless
mixed in from
someone else’s puzzle –
someone else’s problem –
get as many that fit together and
make some blurry image –
find some strange inkling.

peace lily

in two thousand years
they’ll be native
to the indoors;
comfortable without
thriving in
false light –
minimally watered,
in a too-small pot
in two thousand years
they’ll be native
to the indoors;
and so will we